Hi, I am Joseph Wells Jr. Martial Artist, Stuntman, Actor & Speaker from Jacksonville, Florida.


During the days I love to practice martial arts as well as encourage others through my teachings. Professionally, I am an entertainer striving to push my physical being to it's limits. I grow by challenging my self to tackle new goals.  You can find me in the Guinness Book of World Records for participating in the largest gathering of karate practitioners to perform a lata at one time.


You have power over your mind, not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.

-Marcus Aurelius


Here are a few more facts about me:

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Guinness World Record Holder

Participant in the largest gathering of karate practitioners to perform a K

ata at one time.


Globally Recognized Martial Artist and Stuntman


Women's Martial Arts Self Defense Instructor